Working out on a stationary bike has never been very entertaining nor motivating. For that reason Vescape turns the usual exercise into a captivating as well as challenging experience by using the motivational power of video games!
The two French entrepreneurs Jerome Feys and Jean-Baptiste Molle created the Vescape GmbH in 2011 in Berlin, Germany, with the idea of combining fitness with video games by taking advantage of the gaming mechanisms to enhance the traditional workout experience. Not only are video games fun, but they also keep players extremely focused and motivate them to go beyong their limits. Hence, they can help people to stay motivated during their workout on their home exercise bikes achieving as a consequence better results. We therefore believe that our video games can contribute to healthier and more active lifestyles, making the concept of exergaming at the heart of our company's mission.
Fitness should be as fun as playing tennis or soccer!